About the Library


  • over 55 000 hard-copy books, including reference titles, Biblical study resources, novels, devotional classics and much, much more.
  • a selection of DVD film titles and musical selections on CD.
  • six computer workstations and printing services ($0.10 per page). Please see the Library desk for more information.
  • a selection of periodicals including a searchable online resource database (Ask Library staff for off-campus access).
  • access to over 10 million resources from NEOS libraries across Alberta, delivered directly to Vanguard College for your convenience.
  • online access to account status including the ability to renew material online. All you need is your barcode and pin (ask Library staff if unsure).
  • dedicated quiet study and group study areas.
  • Inter-Library Article request: Email us at library@vanguardcollege.com if you find an article that is behind a paywall or you cannot access through EBSCO, and we might be able to borrow it from another library!

Meet The Team


Library Director

Education: B.A. Th.: Music Ministry & Youth Ministry, Vanguard College; MLI S, University of Alberta.

Karina has been serving at Vanguard for eight years and is passionate about information literacy. She is married and has two toddlers whom she adores. 


Cayla Thorlakson

Library Assistant

Cayla is a recent alumni of the Pastoral Care and Counselling program who loves both books and people. Feel free to stop by and say hi at the library desk whenever you come to study or look at books!
