I have found this program to be excellent, flexible, and it works well with my schedule, doable even when I am traveling and ministering in isolated areas without internet connection. The online program is perfect for missionaries and ministers who are always on the go. The courses give excellent insight to the word of God and challenges one to step into greater levels of understanding. This program allowed me to remain in full time ministry in some of the most isolated parts of the world, while still allowing me to grow in my theological understanding



Doing school through Vanguard Online has been an incredible experience. I have obtained a quality education but did not have to say good-bye to my church family and has opened the door for me to actually begin working in my field as a youth pastor. These have been challenging years in a lot of ways, but I have also had massive spiritual and personal growth. I have learned things about myself, about the Lord, and about ministry that I would have never known outside of this program. It really has transformed my life and ministry.



One of my biggest concerns when applying for Bible College was having to move away from my wife and family. I was so delighted to discover that Vanguard College offered students programs that could be completed online. I have been completing courses for a degree in Youth Ministry through Vanguard Online since 2017. Studying online through Vanguard Online has been awesome.  It has allowed me to stay home to support my wife and family and also work fulltime. Studying online has enabled me to be involved in doing ministry such as the furniture ministry, teaching Sunday school, investing in youth, and being a part of the youth ministry leadership team. As well as being Discipled by my pastors and leaders of my local church Gander Evangel.


Giving my life to God and signing up to study through Vanguard College Online, has equipped me and shown me what I was created for. A little over four years ago, God spoke this to me; “Veronica I want you to lead them (teens), feed them, love them, teach them, serve them and raise them!" I said yes and signed up for the online BA of Theology Youth Ministry program, knowing I had to learn and step into God’s calling.  The things that I love about the online program is that it has equipped me to be strong, disciplined, and has taught me how to depend on God in my role as a youth pastor! 



My experience with Vanguard's online schooling program has been fantastic.  It affords those (such as myself) who have a desire to study, but who may not have most flexibility in terms of time, the chance to complete your program.  Not only that, but Vanguard gives you the flexibility to work at your own pace.  For me, I was able to complete my Diploma of Theology while working at a church and living in Germany.  If you don't have all the necessary finances, and/or don't have the time to commit to full time study, Vanguard College provides a great online program that can fit anyones situation.